I want to start of today by THANKING everyone who join in on our first Purposeful Prayer Partners (PPP) –Prayer Circle yesterday. I know that drug addiction is such an epidemic and that is the reason I choose this to be the first thing that we would focus on in Prayer.
Today on my Facebook page below is one of are Purposeful Prayer Partners posting of a life that has been taken by drugs:
“Another life taken by the drug epidemic running rapid in our suburbs. I saw a post from a friend who lost a 26 year old daughter. In lieu of flowers they are asking for a donation to the following: http://aimangelsinmotion.com/about-aim/
God sure does work in mysterious ways. One day of PPP and answers are already being placed in our path.”
So I am asking that we include this family who just lost their daughter in our prayers as we continue to pray for drug addiction and drug dealers at 12 noon today.
Stay Prayerful and Have a blessed day!